Wednesday, May 03, 2006


We watched a video in our Lamaze/Infant Care Class where a baby slowly made his way up his mom's tummy to feed over the course of an hour or so... (without any help, right after being born).

The first thing our instructor said was, "Isn't that amazing... nature..." The first response, from stupid engineer man, was, "It isn't amazing, it's just biology..." My wife theorizes that he had a baby girl (like mine, pictured left), and is now a big pile of mushy noises and tears.

I find my baby amazing. She is starting to smile and make faces. She is 6.5 weeks old. Today she and I got to hang out for a few hours while mom ran some errands and was intentionally by herself. It was amazing how much more Caroline would rather lay on me (listening to my heart like when she lived in Mom) than lay in her expensive crib, bassinet (borrowed), or her 'bouncy seat' which will vibrate and play songs.

What was amazing to you this week? That word has been a great cliche in my life for awhile... even this past weekend it became a buzz word at a camp for 4-6th graders... But, seriously, what has been amazing to you? Even if it is something that victimized you, or somethign wonderful, or some person? What seems/is/appears amazing to you?


Anonymous said...

That baby has your eyes.

What's been amazing to me?

*there is a nestful of life on the wreath hanging next to our front door. Every time I go in or out of the house, I get to see 4 baby robins growing bigger every day. They usually fall asleep with their heads dangling out of the nest.

* there is a nestful of even tinier life outside the living room window in a holly bush. I can go look at 3 fragile mockingbird babies whenever I want.

* I'm amazed at how the Lord can redeem things we believe to be broken beyond repair. I was reminded of this when an old friend stopped by yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Amazing is that I petted some baby robins today. Twice.

It's amazing how I can feel alienated just because my blog is gone. I feel so lonely looking in at all my friends' blogs, with no way for them to reach me.

I met a girl named Jody on-line today. She writes like me and she's a believer. It was kind of cool. I'm not sure how she found me, but she stopped by just to tell me she was praying for me. That was pretty amazing.

I got stood up on IM by a guy named Jody. But it's okay because a guy named Matt, who lives right by RB State Park in Columbia found me on-line and asked me out. The irony is killing, is it not? That's some amazing irony.

Amazing is the beautiful bouquet of irises and tulips that were waiting for me at home today from BJ. Gosh, what an amazing friend. I love irises... before they open, I think they look like the painbrushes God used to color the world...and then He stuck them in the ground upside down when He was done and let them burst into even more color. And that is amazing.

Linz said...

I'm amazed at the mess. I'm amazed only by the vast extent of brokeness and sin in the world and in my life too, but in the world more at this point...

poshiggity said...

I'm listening to your podcast while I write this - the ultra Blazer experience. I like your thoughts and your heart. You have the touch on your voice that Rob Bell does, and it's inspiring. I find the sound of my new guitar amazing - is that selfish of me? That's not the point, as you would say. I find it amazing that there's joy in little things.

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed that I found your name on the Mitchell's blog!! I checked your profile and yes, it was the same Matt Blazer I knew from Metro -- actually as I read your blogs, you're a different Matt Blazer. The new, improved version!! Hopefully, I am too. I'm amazed the world is so tiny. I met Andrea and Joe through my daughter-in-law, Jessica who went to JJ Pierce HS in Richardson, TX. do you know them?!! What a precious family. We probably have mutual connections at Kanakuk too with Courtney and Jamie Jo. I'm also helping Alex P. with 10 year reunion plans. Are you going to try to come? So glad I checked the posts tonight!! Your wife and daughter are beautiful. Chelsey and family are leaving June 2nd for home ... in Thailand. Hope I'm not messing up the blog, but I have no experience and don't know any other way to say "Hi, so glad you're doing well!"

Nom de plume said...

and THAT is why they have comment moderation on these things.

Anonymous said...

yep, the pic still makes me smile. Just checkin'.

Anonymous said...

You spelled "something" incorrectly in the second to last sentence of the last paragraph -

Nom de plume said...

An Original Poem, one day early

Roses are red,
Batman is grey
There are a lot of things
that I could say.

I barely remember
the day that we met.
I barely remember it
but don't you fret!

I can recall
what's important, you see
I still recall
how you stood up for me

And did not believe
what the other folks claimed
You chose to see good
where the rest laid much blame.

So though I may argue
with some things you say,
and our views of things differ
like night from the day,

It's important to me
that you understand this:
Against all the odds,
you've become a dear friend.

I respect and admire you -
"You're a good egg!" -
and I hope that you have
a MOST happy birthday!!

Anonymous said...

This amazes me.
Anamorphic illusions drawn in a special distortion in order to create an impression of 3 dimensions when seen from one particular viewpoint. Especially look at "the pix in the 3D illusion" section.

see link

Nom de plume said...

YOU. Call me now!! According to Gina and Nate, you guys MOVED!! What the H ????

Cary said...

You know what amazes me? How you never seem to update your blog.

Anonymous said...

first, how great is it that like 50% of your comments are from me? secondly, you figure prominantly in today's myspace blog (the one entitled "Boxers, Briefs, and John Eldredge") so I suggest that you read it on myspace.