Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Anthony Campolo

If you went to my high school, his name might conjure up a bad image but I love his stuff. he uses the same analogies (largely from his own life) over and over and so what - they're great analogies (like throwing a birthdy party for a hooker he had just met)...

Anyway, one of his talks is based loosely on the three things people who live to be over 100 years old wish tey had done differently...

Risk, Reflect, and leave more of a legacy for when they are gone...

How do you do at those three things? I think I am good at the first, awful at the second, and consistently thinking about the third...

This picture is in honor of taking risks...


Anonymous said...

I don’t risk enough…I reflect too much and the idea of leaving a legacy scares me. Does leaving a legacy mean doing something meaningful in the eyes of your family or in the eyes of everyone else? Since the beginning there have been a lot of people on this earth and we don’t know them. They had families and stories and they were here. I wonder if they worried as much about leaving a legacy as people do today. Maybe we worry so much about leaving a legacy because most of us fear death and we take comfort in the idea that if we leave something behind we can’t be forgotten. We want to leave a mark on the world that screams, “look I was here”. Either way your post made me think. Thanks.

MWeb said...
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MWeb said...

by contrast to you, I risk little in any concrete way, I reflect incessantly, and I hope that I'm leaving something (albeit unmeasurable) in my students hearts and minds.