Thursday, February 01, 2007

Two Plus Two Equals Evolution

So, a friend of mine has a really smart child. I mean, he's just over two and speaks in sentences, he get's context, it's crazy. Anyway, the other day they are at the dinner table and my friend and his wife are asking the boy (we'll call him Charlie, because that is his name) questions to keep him entertained while they finish their dinner.

His dad, Robbie, (running out of questions) asks him, "Hey Charlie, what's 3 times 6?" Charlie says, "Eighteen." Robbie and his wife look at each in astonishment, then Robbie thinks for a second, and asks Charlie, "Hey Charlie, what's 4 times 6?" Charlie answers, "Eighteen!"

While I'm certain that that is a good illustration of something I haven't yet dtermined what it is. So, I just keep tellingthe story because I like it.

And I blog because I like blogging.

And I post pictures of my daughter because she is awesome.

There are some pictures that don't exist electronically that you will just love...

So, my question is: Why do we need answers so badly? I can think of so many things about God that are hard to reconcile (trinity, suffering, 2 bizillion denomination - course that isn't really about God is it) and I wonder why it is so complex. I heard a professor talking about the date of Genesis One, and he dodged it by asking us if we thought the author of Genesis was attempting to answer that question...

I myself, having heard that before, was not so much moved. But, I wonder if the same things that bother so many people (or at least they say they do - as I get older it REALLY just seems like everyone is wounded and they have other things they talk about) are some of the very things God left vague to keep us in awe; to keep us constantly trying to reconcile some of the coolest things about ourselves, him, and this very strange world. Probably too many infinitives and prepositions in that sentence...

What a picture though right!


Nate Lindaman said...

I think we're just meant to discuss. And even why we possess the ability to do that is still a mystery, but we can, so we do.
You remind me of that quote (forget the author), "the point of argument is not winning, but progress". That's my best paraphrase anyway. There's no reason why 6 times 4 and 3 times 6 couldn't both equal 18, except that it's not the way we've come to qualify these things. We need standards to communicate, but sometimes I wonder how much we need absolutes (as in absolute answers). Even with answers that we agree upon as absolute it's a blessing that we all get to seek them in different ways. That gives me a sense of awe.
And it is a great picture.
I'm collecting Batman comics.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a good illustration of how often we try to prove to ourselves and those around us that we really can do everything on our own. When we get an answer right, we claim it. We stamp our name on it. We shout it to the world and take all of the credit. We don't always stop to ponder that with all the questions raised by life, the right question and the right answer were bound to meet eventually. We aren't any smarter or more capable because of it. It also doesn't prove our worth or our competence. And, I like to think that God finds those moments funny rather than pitiable. Anyway, I tend to laugh when I look back at them.

J said...


Thanks for your time and prayer today. I really appreciated it. See you soon.