My wife and daughter are with the in laws because I had a retreat with 4,5,6th graders this past weekend, and now they are getting some things done while I study for Finals. It is relaxing, but never as much as I think. Partly because I miss them, but also because I still buy into what Brueggemann calls, "techno-therapeutic, militaristic consumerism" which is his description of our society...
But, I'm working on it.
2nd Blog - Looks like the same one because I don't have another picture that I'm dying to put up...
I have so many friends who are hurting. Two family members who are in great physical pain... So many friends who seem to be near-drowning emotionally.
A couple of years ago I would have been more interested in fixing them, now it just makes me sad. I'm just amazed by the lack of wholeness in the world and the apparent seamlessness within the Christian Community. It does not seem to me that "we" are more or less whole... It seems that we cannot grasp, or drink in, or embrace, or understand or realize the words of healing and truth of Christ...
Is wholeness possible?
I'm not even writing this bummed out, I just wish I knew how to go into my tent (mine isn't pink) and sit there and rest... I do desire and need and will continue praying for healing for my many friends who are drowning physically, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually...
I feel like I will be pondering this for a long time. I am surprised at your amazement. Maybe it speaks to my own brokenness, but it doesn't surprise me that Christians hurt. I have often thought that the only difference is that Christians have Hope (note the capital H). We have the knowledge that this pain is temporary and rather trivial in terms of the divine plan.
Despite not knowing you several years ago, I am struck that no longer striving to fix people is a big step. It often seems, in my own experience, that the most damage is done when Christ's followers try to do themselves what only Christ can do.
Do you think that we are meant to be whole on earth? I find myself thinking, based on nothing but my own thoughts, that perhaps it is not when I am healed from all spiritual, emotional, physical, and psychological wounds that we will be whole. Could it be, rather, when we are so lost in Christ that those things no longer have the power to truly wound me?
Oh yes, and Caroline is beautiful. She has intelligent eyes.
My comment about 'fixing' was tongue in cheek, I agree with you.
I'm also mostly shocked about how far under water they are... to stick the the analogy. So, I agree with you in all points.
Although I do think aspects of wholeness are available to us here - Sabbath-keeping for example. This is a anotehr blog in and of itself, I just wanted to write where my tongue-in-cheekedness didn't translate well...
gjust catching up on your blog... i think you know some of my thoughts on this. i hope healing is possible and i think i am investing a lot in the hope that it is... financially, emotionally, spiritually, etc... but i am entering a profession where i must hold hope or i hope to hold hope for another. and yet when all else fails i think i believe ultimately in the idea of healing through the presence of another.
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