Monday, March 26, 2007

We love Plastic Fruit

I love that my baby becomes more and more alert to us and her surroundings. She puts her hands up when she is done eating; we say, "All Done?" and she does it again... and woe to him or her who might ask Caroline if she wants to eat after putting her hands up.

She waves at everyone these days... She cries when I leave (I'm sure this will get old at some point)... She sort of imitates our noises. it is just awesome...


Nom de plume said...

Well, that just shows you HOW BAD at directions I actually am. I thought Kirkwood was closer to Maplewood than Webster :)

Bailey Mohr said...

This blog makes me excited to be a mom someday...
Hope Florida was good!

Unknown said...

This one looks a lot like Walker.

annie said...

Here is the link to my blog. I had to go home and listen to James Taylor's Caroline song, since she was so cute I couldn't get it out of my head. Unfortunately, I tend to be a prolific blogger, so I'm not sure which one Bailey wanted you to read.
