Monday, February 23, 2009


There are things about the Oscars that are funny.  I could hear my mom in my head saying, "Oh Goldie..." at one point.

Alas, I am catching up today.  However, I heard Dustin Lance Black's comments at his award for best Screenplay.  It was almost unnerving how good they were.  Carefully nuanced, incisive, terribly saddening, and unqualified enough to convict evangelicals (I hope).  

"I think he'd (Harvey Milk) want me to say to all of the gay and lesbian kids out there tonight who have been they are less then by their churches, or by the government, or by their families, that you are beautiful, wonderful creatures of value.  And that no matter what everyone tells you, God does love you, and that very soon, I promise you, you will have equal rights federally across this great nation of ours."

The political part gets me less than the first part...  I am embarrassed that he says it so well when Christians seem like they cannot.  People do not deserve to be marginalized and abused...  period.  I think Jesus would have stood and applauded, or maybe he would have been out pleading with the picketers to stop.


Hannah Edwards said...

I wish I could say that's what I heard other Christians respond to it as well... Sadly, I cannot.

Anonymous said...

uhh, oops. That was actually me commenting, but Hannah's info was in there by default.

rachel blazer said...

i was sad that he had to say that about churches- i wish we (the church) weren't condemning. i was really glad that he said what the church should be saying.

Matt Blazer said...

I like your picture Rachel...

Clank said...

I Agree with brad.

Dan Allen said...

Not to give a plug to where we currently affiliated, but I love the approach our church is taking towards the idea that it is ok to be a human, broken as we may be. This is the first church where I have felt an emphasis on my humanity past the idea that I'm a sinner. This simple fact puts us on equal footing with everyone else. For some of us, we are forgiven, others of us are not. Since, however, it isn't our place to be the arbiters of who is and isn't forgiven, we should simply focus on what we can do, and that is to be people to other people and lead with what is greatest of