Tuesday, June 16, 2009


One of my friends shaved his head. Partly for solidarity, and partly because his head looks good that way. He said we could call him Bruce. Is it true that a producer just saw him in a bar and hired him for Moonlighting?

I will ask Cha Cha.

So, my hair is falling out. Its weird. But, it is part of the process. Chemo kills all cells which make new cells quickly. Mom will give you every adverb and adjective you want to hear about how the Chemo is getting EVERY cell.

Today at 4:00 I am 50% finished with Chemo. This is a non-intense week, week 3 total, treatment number 7, and 'B' treatment 3. Next week is the last intense week (of 2) of Chemo. It seems less scary, just necessary and there.

Simpler prayers make more sense to me. I pray the LORD's prayer more than I used to. I am thankful to the answers I received before this. I lean on them, and do not feel like revisiting them now. Maybe in 2010. I have a book on suffering on my shelf. It is still interesting to me as an idea, but I am not picking it up right now.

Church is a funny place for me. I struggle to walk people through my own weakness. When they do a double take and ask, with great feeling, "How are you doing?" I struggle to know how to respond. I don't think it is bad that they ask, I don't think it is bad that I have found out I am incapable of saying "Fine." It is just hard.

Of course last Sunday I couldn't go because my face was covered with Poison Ivy. BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT I NEEDED, we didn't have anything else going on so how about some poison ivy... It seems funny to me now (since it is mainly not itching anymore; thanks Prednizone).

Anyway, that's my update for today. Have a good Tuesday.


Linz said...

I'm sure this was not your intent. But the poison ivy comment made me laugh out loud. Of all the things I cannot do for you in the time, I CAN tell you that the best poison ivy remedy is Zanfel. But I'm sure the doctors pumping you full of chemicals already have this under control. I also do not think (and it's funny you posted Bruce, because I have always thought this...) that no one is hotter than Bruce Willis.

Linz said...

I didn't not intend the double negative...

rachel blazer said...

you are hotter than bruce... : )

and i'm sorry about giving you poison ivy. holy cow.

Sarah Coleman said...

So here is the thing, when I think about all of the people that I know the ones that I care for the most are the ones that are "real". You can't exhaust yourself with a lie like saying, "I'm great how are you?" and I appreciate this about you. When I asked you last night I wanted a real answer, you gave it, and I care for you even more for it.

At some point you gotta call a spade a spade and I think that the battle of cancer is one of those times. I personally grant you permission to use my grandma's reply from time to time. It is the truth and gives people a chuckle. At 89 years old with liver cancer her reply was often cancer's a B**** and how are you!

Matt Blazer said...

Linz - you are supposed to laugh.

So, without the double negative he isn't that hot? With the double negative no one is hotter. Somehow are you saying no one is hot?

Rachel - my only regret is that we don't have a good story to go with you "giving my poison ivy". :)

Sarah - thanks. It is weird to feel TOTALLY incapable of being inauthentic. I know many people like it, but it sort opf makes me laugh there is like a block there...

So, thanks.

Miles Eggart said...

I hope you got your birthday present... and you don't always have to be witty.

rachel blazer said...

i was going to say, "i'll give you a good story...," but somehow that sounds dirty. how about this- i'll think of a good story for us to tell that isn't, "well, rachel got PI all over our house & then i got it, too."

Liz said...

So, are you going to shave your head?

If you decide to, or even go super short I will offer up Zar's services. He could moonlight as a barber...in fact, I think he did back at the SigEp house. Honestly, he's very good!


Jessie said...

Bald is the new hair, haven't you heard? It is totally hot, at least that is what Ty has been telling me for the last few years. Love you guys.

Linz said...

So yes, I meant that Bruce is hot. The second double neg. was a joke.

And I want you to know that contrary to what you might think I DID read this post BEFORE I saw you at church today and, as if on cue, asked you "HOW ARE YOU DOING?". I am a social moron. Of all the other words that could have come out of my mouth..."Hey Bruce, lookin good..." or "I am just really happy to see you" or "Why are you here?" None of those things came out. Sorry. You kinda looked like I punched you in the gut. I wish you had punched me back. PS. My word verification for this comment was "hagnes"