Sunday, May 03, 2009

10:16 PM

This is one of the cigars Robert dropped off. I doubt he reads the blog. Someone tell him it was a great cigar, even with the Izze (yes, Robert with the Dread-locks). Walker also sent cigars, and Holly wrote a note since she isn't old enough to buy cigars. If i wrote all of the names of those who have called and written, emailed and facebooked... Well, I couldn't, but it would be a long list. Thank you.

Tomorrow's surgery is at about 7:30, and I just finished my 3 final projects for school. None are amazing, but they are all at least B level. Maybe C, but my grades are fine. We will be leaving our house around 5, so in addition to me you can pray for our girls and for grandma Ginny who will be unapologetically showing videos and spooning out yogurt all morning at least.

And, let's hear it for Merecats - which Caroline and Grandpa Robbie love.

Thanks again everyone.

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