Monday, May 04, 2009


i spoke with dr. figenshau (surgeon) a bit ago... matt is out of surgery & his vitals are all good.  but the surgery did not give us great news.  the lymph nodes that were enlarged have increased in size somewhat significantly.  the biopsy showed active germ cells, which is the same type of cancer found in his testicle.  so all the lymph tissue in that section was removed, but he did not want to risk damage to nerves & blood vessels by moving further.  there is still a chance they removed the majority of the cancerous cells, but matt will have to have some chemo to eliminate it completely.  while we kind of expected this, we were really hoping that it wouldn't be necessary.  how much chemo, when, etc will be determined later.

i'll be going up to see him in recovery soon- and if we get more info we'll let you know.  i'm pretty sad about the outcome, but i'm really relieved that the surgery is over.  i'm sure chemo will suck big time, but my biggest fears were for the surgery.  
thanks for your prayers- please continue.


brian said...

certainly disappointed with the news, but thankful that he is out and recovering. thank you so much for the updates, love you both and still praying for you.

The Mitchells said...

Your heart as Matt's wife and helper are in our prayers. May you start to get more and more answers...and may they be better news than even the doctors think. I pray that Matt's body and tests start to shock the medical professionals, and that he begin to be healed.

Liz said...

Oh my goodness! I think we have been out of the loop! You all will certainly be in our prayers.

Robyn said...

I'm so sorry, Rachel and Matt, that you guys are going through this. I pray the Lord's loving arms around you all during this time, and praise God for His provision during surgery.

Kerry Leasure said...

Alright. Well you have much wiser friends than your sister. And much better pray-ers too. So I'm just going to jump on with tears and hormones and let you know I'm a basket case right there with you. I love you both so much. I wish I had some words. But All I have is the hormones. So I'll offer to make calls and do some yelling. And if you want to call anyone and just cry and I cry back- well you got one. We don't have to be hopeful or cheery- just wallow a little. Just get it out.
I love you both.

Jen Hahn said...

Thinking about you both, and fear, and sickness, and how God is powerful and tender. I'm praying...

Kirsten McKeown said...

I'm so sorry for the disappointing news. I love you all and we are praying hard. My dad also wanted you to know that their entire church has had you in their prayers and will continue to do so.

Linz said...

Thanks for the updates. My sorrows and hopes are with you.

Pete Scribner said...

So sorry the news wasn't better...
Know that we're praying for you and Matt up here in Michigan.

Mary Luzecky (McPike) said...

You've probably got more helpers than you know what to do with, but we are here if there's anything that we can do beyond our fervent prayers. 618-920-9933.